Farheen Gani
Some forensic science students have always had an interest in forensic science, following the likes of well-known investigators like Henry Lee and Michael Baden, while others find themselves looking for an exciting career to enter. Whatever a student’s background, it is never too late to sharpen forensic science skills, which can be taken by completing one of the forensic science programs in Hawaii (HI).
Forensic science education can help prepare graduates for a career in a lab. Typically, students need to complete a bachelor’s degree specifically in forensic science or a field like biology, chemistry, physics, or physical anthropology, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). At the graduate level, a forensic science degree may enable involvement in research and further investigative skills or facilitate entrance into administration or upper management. At the doctoral level, it may enable a forensic technician to ultimately become a professor or lab director.
Entering crime scene investigation (CSI) is another choice. However, this path keeps its professionals mostly out in the field, documenting crime scenes and finding and storing the right pieces of crime scene evidence. A four-year forensic science degree may help enter CSI, as may completion of a police academy program. Other options are to work on a certificate or associate degree program specifically in CSI.
So what can aspiring forensic scientists in Hawaii expect to learn through competitive degree and certificate programs in the state? According to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), these professionals master a variety of skills and role-related responsibilities such as processing and documenting evidence methodically; performing scientific analysis on various types of evidence (e.g., bodily secretions, fibers, plants, drugs, footprints, soils, plastics, ballistics, etc); working closely with medical and legal personnel; keeping abreast of methodological and technological developments in the field; and providing expert testimony in court cases.
The AAFS states that forensic scientists typically have at least a bachelor’s degree and there is a range of specialized subfields of study, including arson, bite marks, fingerprints, firearms, DNA, child abuse, toxicology, death investigation, digital evidence, and more.
Read on to discover how and where to learn these crime-solving skills in Hawaii, and find out more about the state’s employment outlook, the types of accredited forensics programs available, and professional certification for forensics professionals.
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Becoming a forensic scientist most often requires a four-year bachelor’s degree, according to the BLS. Most students need at least a high school diploma or GED to enter a postsecondary program. High school biology, calculus, chemistry, and physics classes can be particularly relevant. Once accepted into a postsecondary institution, students could:
Since specialists in this field often have degrees in natural or physical sciences, having solid grades in subjects such as chemistry, physics, statistics, mathematics, and biology may prepare them for postsecondary work.
A four-year education should help students obtain broad knowledge in biology, chemistry, and physics, according to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS). Other valuable skills critical to forensic science include communication, math, and statistics. Regarding education in the U.S., Career One Stop, a site sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, shows that 34 percent of all forensic science technicians have a bachelor’s degree.
Certification is not required to practice as a forensic scientist, but it can certainly provide evidence of your skills. Employers may be interested in hiring individuals who already have certification or are working toward it. There are currently nine professional certification organizations accredited by the Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board (FSAB), including the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE), the American Board of Forensic Toxicology (ABFT), and several other subfields.
This degree may be particularly helpful when students want to specialize in an area or become involved in research. In fact, it is necessary to enter some fields, according to the AAFS, but it can add two or more years to study. Of course, advanced education can be pursued while already employed in the field, but it could then take longer to complete a master’s degree part-time, up to five years. Why consider a master’s degree? In Hawaii, Career One Stop shows that 12 percent of forensic science technicians had a master’s degree in the U.S., and this potentially provides a competitive edge.
This terminal degree could lead someone to become a forensic science professor or even oversee a forensic science lab. The time required to complete this degree can be extensive, however, often two or more years going full-time or up to five or more on a part-time basis.
What other types of skills are essential to become a forensic scientist? The AAFS says that curiosity and integrity are important as well as the ability to communicate with others solidly and to effectively take notes and carry out documentation. Forensic scientists also need to remain professional at all times and stay composed no matter what they may see as a result of a crime.
CSI is another branch of forensic science that may be of interest. Instead of being in the lab, this will put you out in the field at the crime scene or traveling to consult with other professionals about what may have happened. The steps for entering CSI are less direct than for forensic science and primarily depend on how much time you want to invest in your education. Some ways to enter CSI include:
Many certificate programs in CSI only take a year to complete or may take up to two years if you decide on an associate degree. These programs should provide the fundamentals to you: give you a background in criminal justice, teach you how to collect evidence at a scene, and even take photographs that can be used in a court of law.
Because the BLS recommends the bachelor’s degree as an entry point into CSI, this may be an optimal choice for those interested in the field. This may be a particularly pertinent selection when someone wants to enter CSI through an alternative route to that of training through a police academy.
In rural areas, some crime scene investigators may be able to pick up skills by simply working with others on the job. In this case, a CSI program may not be necessary. However, becoming trained while already employed as a police officer may be another point of entry. You may need to work with others in the police force who are already trained in CSI or complete internal programs at an academy to gain the necessary skills.
Whatever path you choose, certification may be valuable. While a full list of agencies offering certification or membership is provided at the end of the article, two that may be particularly relevant to CSIs include the International Association for Identification (IAI) and the International Crime Scene Investigators Association (ICSIA). Requirements may vary per organization, so familiarize yourself with them beforehand.
Career Outlook and Occupational Demand
In Hawaii, the demand for forensic science technicians—one of many career possibilities for people in this field—is projected to grow considerably in the coming years. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS 2024) anticipates that the nationwide openings for this occupation will increase by 14 percent between 2023 and 2033, which is much faster than the average growth expected of all occupations during that time period (4 percent).
In addition to the 17,520 forensic science technicians currently working nationwide, there are expected opportunities in related occupations such as medical examining, anthropology, handwriting analysis, latent evidence processing, toxicology, odontology, engineering sciences, psychiatry, DNA analysis, forensic nursing, questioned documents, computer crimes (i.e., digital evidence), forensic accounting, and more.
Forensic science technicians typically work in laboratories, police departments, international organizations, medical examiner offices, insurance companies, law firms, hospitals, morgues, universities, and independent forensic science groups. According to BLS (2024), 87 percent of forensic science technicians are employed by the government. While some work regular business hours, forensics experts may be called upon to work weekends, evenings, and holidays due to the 24-hour nature of crime scene processing.
The best job opportunities in Hawaii may be found in some of its larger cities, simply because more crime can occur there. Honolulu, Hilo, and Kailua are among the largest in Hawaii. Individuals could look for employment with the Honolulu Police Department’s Scientific Investigation Section, a full-service lab accredited in multiple areas, including biology, controlled substances, trace evidence, and others. Additional places to look for employment could include:
Of course, forensic scientists may also be able to work in a morgue or a coroner’s office, particularly when they have training as a pathologist, or for any number of police departments or agencies. Jobs could also be found with federal, state, or local agencies and private companies.
Salary Data
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS May 2023) reported that there were 90 forensic science technicians in the state.
Furthermore, BLS found that the salary figures are somewhat higher than the national salary ranges. As proof of point, the United States employs 17,520 forensic science technicians with an average annual salary (mean annual wage) of $71,540. In HI, the average salary in this field is $69,340.
In more detailed terms, here is a breakdown of the salary percentiles among all forensic science technicians in the country compared with those in HI (BLS May 2023):
United States | Hawaii | |
Number of Forensic Science Technicians Employed | 17,520 | 90 |
Annual Mean Wage | $71,540 | $69,340 |
10th percentile | $41,410 | $53,960 |
25th percentile | $50,480 | $56,740 |
50th percentile | $64,940 | $68,080 |
75th percentile | $84,720 | $70,100 |
90th percentile | $107,490 | $84,760 |
The national figures were slightly different according to another source of data, PayScale (Dec. 2024), which relies on self-reported salaries. Among the forensic science techs reporting their annual salaries, Payscale found these percentiles for the US:
While the figures for Hawaii are somewhat lower than the national salary ranges found by the BLS (May 2023), it’s important to note that Hawaii has the highest cost of living in the United States. For illustration, the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC 2024) found that HI has the highest cost of living in the United States.
While there are several forensic colleges in the Aloha State, none are accredited through the Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC), the accrediting branch of the AAFS. Graduation from a FEPAC-accredited program is optional, however, it could be preferred by employers. You may find that other job candidates in Hawaii have not graduated from a FEPAC-accredited school either and that the strength of your grades and experiences may speak more to your qualifications. Some of the forensic science schools in Hawaii include:
University of Hawaii at West O’ahu
The undergraduate certificate in applied forensic anthropology is a collaboration between Leeward Community College and the University of Hawaii at West O’ahu. Providing students with a solid forensic anthropology foundation and a strong introduction to the forensic science field, this certificate may be earned by itself or along with a bachelor’s degree, such as a bachelor of arts (BA) in social sciences with a concentration in anthropology or a bachelor’s of arts in public administration with a concentration in justice administration.
Comprising 29 to 30 credits, the program includes courses such as archaeological field techniques; human biocultural variation; forensic anthropology; advanced techniques in forensic anthropology; criminal law & procedures; human skeletal biology; and biological anthropology.
Chaminade University’s School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics offers a bachelor of science (BS) degree in forensic science that teaches students the techniques used to recognize, document, and analyze physical evidence. Students learn about the latest technological and scientific advancements in the field and the importance of criminal law. The program also provides an excellent basis for students who wish to build a career in dentistry, medicine, law, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy.
The program includes courses such as forensic sciences; physical evidence laboratory; crime scene investigation; forensic biology; medicolegal death investigation; forensic taphonomy; forensic reconstruction; and professional skills for forensic scientists.
Notably, all students in this program will be required to complete a rigorous, 135-hour internship. Previously, graduates of this program have completed internships with several entities, including police departments in Hawaii and Guam, the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command’s Central Identification Laboratory, and the Honolulu Department of the Medical Examiner.
Hawai’i Pacific University offers both a bachelor of science and a master of science program in criminal justice. The BS major is designed to prepare graduates for careers and jobs in law and other related fields at the state, local, and federal levels covering the theoretical aspects of criminal behavior and the practical application of skills to the criminal justice field.
Comprising 120 credits, the undergraduate major includes courses such as introduction to criminal justice; forensic science experiential learning; basic criminology; justice systems; ethics and justice; justice management; criminal procedures; criminal law; crime scene investigation; and crime victims and justice.
The master of science program is designed for students who wish to advance in the criminal justice field and gain an in-depth understanding of criminal justice issues. This program looks at the issues surrounding justice and crime and helps graduates develop the techniques and skills used by leaders in criminal justice and gain an informed perspective of the judicial system, corrections at the managerial levels, and law enforcement.
This 36-credit master’s degree includes courses such as criminal justice organizations; civil liability and civil rights challenges; administrative and constitution procedures for professionals; contemporary issues in criminal justice; media and the criminal justice professions; special topics in criminal justice; and homeland security.
Notably, an associate of science degree and a certificate are also available in criminal justice.
Many degree-based forensic science programs may require students to obtain a specific GPA in classes in their area of study. They may also need to complete an internship or do lab work. Students looking for more opportunities beyond those listed above may want to explore what online programs offer.
For more information on forensics schools and specializations, please visit the forensic programs page.
Students in Hawaii can find a wide variety of forensic science programs and degrees online. These will vary from the certificate level up to advanced degrees. Classroom discussion, collaborative projects, and video instruction can comprise part of these online programs.
In addition to the on-campus BS program in forensic science, Chaminade University offers an online bachelor’s degree in criminology and criminal justice. Offering experiential and theory-based learning experiences, a suite of internships, career development programs, and a vibrant, innovative, and supportive learning environment, this BS program prepares graduates to pursue careers in public safety, law enforcement, and criminology or criminal justice.
Comprising 120 credits, the program includes courses such as behavioral sciences statistics; career development in the behavioral sciences; contemporary issues in criminal justice; criminal law; criminal procedures; law enforcement; corrections; and juvenile deviance and juvenile justice.
Hawai’i Pacific University offers a master of science in criminal justice (MSCJ) degree that can be completed entirely online. Graduates of this program receive the credentials needed for entering leadership and management roles in the criminal justice field.
Courses include statistical analysis for effective decision-making; public administration and public service; administrative and constitution procedures for professionals; criminal justice organizations; civil liability and civil rights challenges; leadership and ethics; media and the criminal justice professions; and crisis negotiations.
Hawaii Pacific University’s 120-credit bachelor’s degree in criminal justice can also be completed online.
Students can enroll in the online diploma program in forensics training available through Ashworth College. They can progress at their own pace and complete the program in as little as four months. Students in this online program will learn about the techniques integral to forensic science’s role in solving crimes, including analyzing DNA, blood patterns, and fingerprints, as well as strategies for investigating crime scenes.
As part of the program, students will delve into topics such as foundations of forensic science; microscopy, impressions, and forensic chemistry; and forensic biology, fire investigation, document examination, and the future of forensic science.
American Military University provides an undergraduate certificate in forensic science that can help students learn about managing and profiling crime scenes and using physical and psychological evidence and analysis to help identify potential perpetrators. Industry experts, such as individuals from police agencies, sheriff’s offices, and even Homeland Security, teach the classes.
This online certificate will help students build their knowledge of profiling, criminal behavior, evidence collection and processing, criminal law, and criminal liability. This program does not award any professional certifications but may be helpful in preparing to earn such certifications.
Made up of 23 credits, the curriculum includes courses in criminal investigation; criminal profiling; principles of anatomy and physiology; crime analysis; criminalistics; the pathology of death investigations; and an introduction to chemistry.
Arizona State University offers an online bachelor of science program in forensic science teaching students about solving crimes and interpreting evidence using the latest science and technology. Preparing graduates to work in crime labs at the state, federal, and local levels, the program helps them learn professional forensic science techniques and gain hands-on experience investigating crimes.
The program will equip them with the intricate analytical skills that are required for pursuing jobs related to forensic investigations. Notably, this online degree ends with an in-person culminating experience on ASU’s West campus.
Comprising 120 credits, the program includes courses such as fundamentals of genetics; modern concepts in biochemistry; principles of forensic science; fundamentals of forensic analysis; testimony and ethics in the forensic sciences; and analytical chemistry for life sciences.
Graduates can take up roles such as biological technicians, clinical trial managers, crime scene investigators, health sciences managers, medical scientists, and pathologists.
Additional programs are listed on the AAFS website, including undergraduate, graduate, and online certificates. Contact information, email, and website URL for these programs are provided on the site.
Due to the nature of online programs, the host institutions need not be located in Hawaii. For more information on distance-based education at all levels and specialties, please visit the online forensic science degrees page.
Enrolling in a FEPAC-accredited program may help launch a career, but optional. Since there are no ground-based FEPAC-accredited schools in Hawaii, students should ensure the institution they are attending is regionally accredited. In Hawaii, regional accreditation is granted through the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). However, Someone in Hawaii wanting to attend a FEPAC-accredited program could seek out one of those offered online. FEPAC accreditation can assure future employees that individuals have received the necessary training to work in a laboratory.
Although professional certification is not always necessary to secure employment in forensics in Hawaii, it may be advisable for several reasons. First, certification can indicate a job applicant’s knowledge in a particular area and improve one’s resume. Second, it can enhance a person’s earning potential, opportunities for advancement, and leadership responsibilities. Lastly, a national certification can be transferable to other states across the country.
Requirements for common professional certifications in forensics vary, but they generally include having at least a bachelor’s degree in forensics, biology, chemistry, or another relevant field; having several years of verifiable experience; sending professional references; and passing an exam. There are currently nine professional certifications recognized by the Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board (FSAB), including:
Those who wish to have detailed information on credentialing within each subfield of forensics can visit our programs or careers page.
Farheen Gani
Farheen Gani writes about forensics schools across the United States, and has covered topics such as forensic chemistry and forensic science and biochemistry since 2018. She writes about healthcare, technology, education, and marketing. Her work has appeared on websites such as Tech in Asia and Foundr, as well as top SaaS blogs such as Zapier and InVision. You can connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter (@FarheenGani).