Barry Franklin
The blog provides specific information to help you decide if forensic science is the right choice for you. With the inside scoop on forensic science professors, schools and training programs, as well as detailed information on the steps and requirements to become a forensics professional, the ForensicsColleges.com blog is a fine place to begin your research.
The criminal justice system has systemic flaws that disproportionately punish the poor and reward the rich. A bevy of factors play into this disparity, but mainly manifest themselves in discrepancies in bail, discrepancies in sentencing, and discrepancies in incarceration.
In 2009, President Obama called cybersecurity one of the most important challenges facing the nation. Ten years later, it’s a clear and present danger. Major cyber attacks have hit government offices in Atlanta, Baltimore, and New Orleans.
In a hypothetical Dante’s Inferno scenario where all of the world’s white collar criminals were arranged in a descending order of wickedness, healthcare fraudsters would sit somewhere between hell’s eighth and ninth concentric rings.
There’s no algorithm for justice, and thus there’s still a strong need for investigators to perform their due diligence and apply many of the same tactics used to bring down Al Capone: comparing records, subpoenaing documents, interviewing possible witnesses, and following the money.
Identity theft doesn’t have a typical crime scene: there is no blood, and there are no fingerprints, but there are still forensic traces if an investigator knows where to look.
Everything in a Ponzi scheme is designed to take advantage of the blinding aspect of greed and divert attention away from the details. But the details are exactly where forensic investigators are trained to look.
In the past, the mantra of many white-collar crime investigators was to follow the money, and that mantra still holds true, but in this new world of cybercrime, today’s forensic professionals understand that it’s often more important, and more effective, to follow the data.
If two corporate executives know that their company is about to be acquired—but the public does not know yet—those executives would be guilty of insider trading if they made trades based on their private knowledge.
Barry Franklin
Before co-founding Sechel Ventures Partners LLC, Barry Franklin was a VP at a Silicon Valley software company. He is an investor and advisor for DataSimply and Impellia. Barry believes that education and lifelong learning are paramount. Barry met his wife at Carnegie Mellon University and they have two beautiful daughters. He also volunteers for various committees at his kids’ high school.