Barry Franklin
The blog provides specific information to help you decide if forensic science is the right choice for you. With the inside scoop on forensic science professors, schools and training programs, as well as detailed information on the steps and requirements to become a forensics professional, the ForensicsColleges.com blog is a fine place to begin your research.
In an increasingly global and digital economy, preventing, detecting, and prosecuting tax evasion is a major challenge for governments worldwide. Even knowing the size of the problem is hard: hidden assets are difficult to count.
Some digital forensics tools go beyond simple searches for files or images and delve into the arena of cybersecurity, requiring network analysis or cyber threat assessment. When there is a tool for everything, the most pressing question is which one to use.
Handheld devices are not new to investigations—consider the magnifying glass or the breathalyzer test—but their growing complexity and efficacy are changing the way modern investigations are conducted. Samples that previously needed to be sent to a laboratory can now be analyzed at the scene. Combined with an increasingly skilled investigative workforce, this cuts down on processing times and opens up exciting new possibilities for the fields of criminal justice and forensic science.
As technology infiltrates every aspect of our lives, it is no wonder that solving crimes has become almost futuristic in its advances. From retinal scanning to trace evidence chemistry, actual forensic technologies are so advanced at helping to solve crimes that they seem like something from a science-fiction thriller.
If you already are working as a registered nurse and have an interest in protecting the welfare and health of others, you may want to consider training to become a forensic nurse examiner. As such, you will continue to work in nursing, but will learn to recognize and document the signs of abuse and violence that could be used to prosecute a criminal in a courtroom.
Digital forensics will continue to evolve rapidly in the coming years. Advances in AI, IoT, cloud computing, and even quantum computing are already opening up new horizons. While the technology increases in power and capability, it will fall on tomorrow’s digital forensics experts to assist in the accuracy, efficiency, and accountability of those tools.
By earning a graduate certificate or degree in forensic accounting, professionals with bachelor’s degrees in accounting can become certified in fraud examination, thereby protecting individuals, corporations, and entire economies from the perils of financial corruption. Online forensic accounting programs have expanded to allow students to maintain their current jobs while earning a certificate or degree.
Did you know that just 54 percent of lies can be accurately spotted? Extroverts also tell more lies than introverts and at least 82 percent of lies go undetected. The good news, however, is that people can improve their lie detection abilities, increasing them to near 90 percent accuracy. But how do you get started?
Barry Franklin
Before co-founding Sechel Ventures Partners LLC, Barry Franklin was a VP at a Silicon Valley software company. He is an investor and advisor for DataSimply and Impellia. Barry believes that education and lifelong learning are paramount. Barry met his wife at Carnegie Mellon University and they have two beautiful daughters. He also volunteers for various committees at his kids’ high school.