The blog provides specific information to help you decide if forensic science is the right choice for you. With the inside scoop on forensic science professors, schools and training programs, as well as detailed information on the steps and requirements to become a forensics professional, the blog is a fine place to begin your research.

Students may complete a bachelor's degree, but not come to develop specific career goals until they have been out in the work world gaining experience and insight. This is where a graduate certificate in forensics science and crime scene investigation can come in handy.

For those with the intelligence and focus to complete the steps to become a medical doctor and then complete residencies and fellowships that lead to the forensic psychiatrist specialty, this is a fascinating career. Keep reading to learn how one can become a forensic psychiatrist.

Political corruption involves the use of public power for private benefit. It can occur at any scale. Corruption cases may involve bribery, extortion, embezzlement, fraud, and outright theft. It can also be more subtle, taking the form of favoritism, nepotism, and patronage. Some political corruption cases are so well obscured that they exist on the cusp of legality. But these are not victimless crimes.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a federal agency tasked with protecting human health and the environment. To accomplish that mission, it performs a variety of functions, one of which is the enforcement of environmental regulations and the investigation of potential violations. The cases that EPA investigates can have wide-reaching effects: they’ve helped enforce standards around clean air, clean water, and the ways hazardous chemicals are handled.

Regarding fraud investigation, there are a couple of new deputies in town. Generative AI in the vein of ChatGPT can help identify and investigate sophisticated financial crimes, while ML-powered automation can improve detection and prevent reoccurrence. These new capabilities are particularly important in an era where every company is a de facto software company, with data, intellectual property, and financial assets that must be protected.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is far more than the sum of its parts. A domestic law enforcement agency with over 5,000 employees, it has a long history of forensic excellence. ATF’s first laboratory traces back to 1886 when two scientists convened in the attic of a US Treasury building. Today, the main hub of ATF’s forensic work occurs at the National Laboratory Center in Beltsville, Maryland, including the Fire Research Laboratory, National Firearms Examiner Academy, and one of ATF’s two forensic science laboratories.

What you don’t know can kill you. Consider America’s drug overdose epidemic, which according to CDC estimates, claimed over 100,000 lives in 2022. Many of those deaths resulted from fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that often masquerades as heroin, but can be up to 50 times stronger in its effects.

Crime scene investigators and forensic scientists are both concerned with deriving information from evidence in order to discover the truth and determine the appropriate course of action. While complementary, the two roles are distinct. Learn more about the similarities and differences between them.

Barry Franklin

Barry Franklin

Before co-founding Sechel Ventures Partners LLC, Barry Franklin was a VP at a Silicon Valley software company. He is an investor and advisor for DataSimply and Impellia. Barry believes that education and lifelong learning are paramount. Barry met his wife at Carnegie Mellon University and they have two beautiful daughters. He also volunteers for various committees at his kids’ high school.