
At ForensicsColleges, we want to connect students, prospective students, and professionals to the multitude of resources available online in order to stay up-to-date on recent news and trends within the online forensics community. From national news in the industry, cold cases in kidnapping, and top websites for different areas of forensic study, you can always find what you’re looking for here in our resources section.

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Researchers and professionals are exploring innovative approaches to tackle modern challenges, leveraging everything from artificial intelligence and machine learning to biotechnology and digital forensics. These cutting-edge technologies promise to enhance criminal investigations' accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness, offering new opportunities to solve cases that were once considered impenetrable.

DNA fingerprinting, also known as DNA profiling, emerged in the mid-1980s as a transformative tool in forensic science. The technique was pioneered by Sir Alec Jeffreys, a geneticist at the University of Leicester, who discovered that specific regions of DNA vary greatly among individuals, much like fingerprints.

Taking on debt to fund a college education used to be a direct path to social and financial advancement, but the latest studies show that student debt actually might hinder it. The good news is that help is out there for those who need it, and there are more scholarships available than ever before.

Bloodstain pattern analysts examine bloodstains at crime scenes in order to determine the events that caused the bloodshed. By analyzing the patterns, shapes, and distribution of bloodstains, they might be able to deduce the type of weapon used, the sequence of actions which took place, and/or the positions or movements of the victim, perpetrator, and any other people involved. This analysis helps in understanding the dynamics of the crime and can provide critical evidence in investigations and court proceedings.

Forensic chemistry attracts curious problem-solvers who can collect evidence with precision and remain objective in their observations. Ideal candidates for forensic chemistry positions must prove their abilities to follow legal and scientific protocols when collecting physical evidence from a crime scene and analyzing it in a laboratory.

The Combined DNA Index System, commonly known as CODIS, is a tool used by law enforcement agencies to aid in solving crimes. Developed and maintained by the FBI, it is one of the largest DNA databases in the world, containing over 14 million offender profiles and over four million arrestee profiles, along with profiles from crime scenes, missing persons, and unidentified human remains.

Perhaps nothing has changed the modern investigative procedure as much as mobile forensics. A subset of digital forensics, mobile forensics involves the retrieval of data from a mobile device, typically a cell phone or tablet, but potentially a smartwatch, camera, GPS device, or drone.

Those educated in forensic biology can seek out careers as biologists, DNA biologists, biologist forensic examiners, biology DNA program specialists, and more.