At ForensicsColleges, we want to connect students, prospective students, and professionals to the multitude of resources available online in order to stay up-to-date on recent news and trends within the online forensics community. From national news in the industry, cold cases in kidnapping, and top websites for different areas of forensic study, you can always find what you’re looking for here in our resources section.
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Studies have found that the quality of forensic evidence is more likely to be misjudged when the subject of a criminal investigation is a person of color. This can lead to unfair convictions due to incorrect assessments. It is essential to address this problem and devise strategies to ensure that all accused individuals receive fair trials and access to reliable forensic evidence regardless of race or ethnicity.
Proteomics is a rapidly growing field of science that offers exciting possibilities for understanding and managing disease. By studying the structure and function of proteins and their abundance and interactions in different types of cells, scientists can better understand how diseases develop.
Multiple loan repayment and forgiveness options are available for forensic scientists and CSIs. Read on to learn more about student debt repayment and forgiveness programs for forensics and CSIs.
Established in 1973 to enforce the controlled substances laws of the US, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) keeps Americans safe from dangerous drugs and those who traffic them. In service of that mission, it’s a leading practitioner of several forensic subdisciplines, with its Office of Forensic Sciences providing expertise in friction ridge examination, forensic chemistry, and digital forensics.
Forensic science conferences usually consist of lectures and workshops by eminent experts, a space for vendors, and networking opportunities. Such conferences can also be unique educational experiences, and in some cases, offer continuing education credits for attendance.
There’s no shortage of true crime gift ideas. Gifts range from practical and silly to informative and interactive and take the form of knickknacks, clothing, stickers, books, subscriptions, and useful tools. Whether you love it or hate the genre, friends and family of true crime lovers have plenty of ways to say “I see you” with the perfect gift.
Forensic science and crime scene investigation are necessary to bring criminals to justice, and this collection of cool forensics blogs help shed light on what goes on behind the scenes, and in some cases how forensics is being used or was used to bring criminals to justice. Without forensic scientists, toxicologists, or osteologists, thousands of crimes would go unsolved every year.
Benjamin Franklin said that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and this quote remains relevant, particularly regarding crime prevention. Not only does crime prevention help keep communities safe, but it also can save lives and save money.