
At ForensicsColleges, we want to connect students, prospective students, and professionals to the multitude of resources available online in order to stay up-to-date on recent news and trends within the online forensics community. From national news in the industry, cold cases in kidnapping, and top websites for different areas of forensic study, you can always find what you’re looking for here in our resources section.

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In 1972, the outcome of Furman vs Georgia put a nationwide moratorium on the practice of capital punishment in the United States. Three years later, however, Gregg vs Georgia gave states the right to reinstate the death penalty upon fulfillment of certain conditions. In the 46 years since that ruling, a number of cases have challenged the use of capital punishment, but it has been upheld by the Supreme Court allowing for the execution of over 1,500 people since 1976.

Learn more about the career outlook for forensic document examiners, as well as who is hiring and where. Understand how to become a handwriting analyst and forensic document examiner.

Forensics is the use of techniques or scientific tests in order to detect crime, and this broad field encompasses professionals from lab technicians to IT professionals to doctors and detectives. Work can be performed in a lab, out in the field, in an office, or one-on-one with clients or victims. Given the wide variety of jobs in forensics, salaries vary widely.

There are many different ways to measure the size of a cybersecurity hack, such as money, impact, or reach. Below you’ll find five cybersecurity hacks that are so big, in one way or another, that they changed the world.

Whether going out on a date, traveling through a foreign country, or interrogating a suspect in a crime, forensic psychology offers a wealth of tools to help decode people’s nonverbal behavior. These cues include gestures, vocal tones, body positioning, micro-expressions of the face, and a number of often subconscious indicators of people’s internal states.

While the US has only 5 percent of the world's population, it accounts for nearly a quarter of its prisoners. There are nearly 2.3 million people in our nation's prisons and jails. With 655 inmates for every 100,000 people, the U.S. is by far the leader in incarceration among Western countries.

Child abduction in the United States continues to reach astronomically high numbers. Even with advanced technology to help solve cold cases in kidnappings, there is still a pressing need for collaboration between U.S. Government agencies and crime analysis experts to join forces and uncover the truth behind these unsolved crimes.

“Defunding the police” means reallocating some portion of a police budget to community services such as housing, health, counseling, and education. These forms of community service have been proven to lower crime rates while also boosting public wellbeing. Unfortunately, the phrase “Defund the Police” has been subject to politicization and misinformation, and sometimes misconstrued with a call to abolish police departments.