Johannes Stitz
If you ever flip through prime-time crime shows, you already know that forensic toxicologists make science look cool. Where toxicology is the study of drugs and chemicals on biological systems, forensic toxicology applies to situations with administrative and medicolegal consequences. In practical terms, this requires a heavy reliance on scientific data, technical analysis, and diligent recordkeeping. But the notion of applying such skills to the ends of catching a criminal or serving justice gives it a sense of drama that’s fit for Hollywood.
Forensic toxicologists might find themselves in their real-life version of a famous TV show, working with law enforcement, government, and research institutions to solve scientific puzzles with tangible consequences.
It’s not all glossy glamor and high-paced action, of course. However, when it comes to the portrayal in television, the nitty-gritty details of careers in forensic toxicology often end up on the cutting room floor. Read on to get a realistic glance at forensic toxicologists’ typical responsibilities, specialties, salaries, and career paths.
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Arizona State University | Biochemistry (BS) | Visit Site |
Arizona State University | Biological Sciences (BS) | Visit Site |
Arizona State University | Forensic Science (BS) | Visit Site |
Arizona State University | Pharmacology and Toxicology (BS) | Visit Site |
Stevenson University Online | Online MFS - Chemistry Concentration | Visit Site |
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Dr. Robert Powers is a forensic toxicologist and professor of forensic science at New Haven University. He teaches undergraduate and graduate-level courses at the university’s Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences.
Before joining the faculty at New Haven, he led several toxicology and controlled substance laboratories and consulted in criminal cases involving toxic and controlled substances. His research currently focuses on the effects of ethanol, and he is a co-author of the textbook Forensic Toxicology – Mechanisms and Pathology.
ForensicsColleges.com: The first thought that will likely come to many people’s minds when they hear the term “forensic toxicology” will likely be related to poisons and poisoning. Could you give us an idea of what other subjects are involved in the field, and what you would like outsiders to understand about your area of expertise?
Dr. Powers: I think most people tend to believe that the mere presence of or exposure to a toxic substance will automatically result in some degree of negative response or reaction by the body. However, a key to understanding such effects, and perhaps more importantly, the magnitude of dose or exposure required to elicit a response or reaction is an understanding of the mechanism of action of the chemical, which in turn requires an understanding of the functional physiology and biochemistry of the body.
One of the “rules” I teach to my students is that to invoke a drug or poison as an explanation for a physiological effect, one must be able to explain the mechanism by which the chemical acts to cause the response by the body. In short, a toxicologist needs, in order to understand drug effects, a working knowledge of pharmacology, pathology, and biochemistry. In forensic toxicology, we meld information from all those fields in order to explain a specific toxicologic event.
ForensicsColleges.com: Much of your work has focused on controlled substances and their role in forensics. What drew you to this area, and are there any insights from your career that you can share with our readership?
Dr. Powers: Controlled substances reflect a subgroup of chemicals that have been distinguished by sociologic rather than biochemical factors. From a toxicologic perspective, whether a drug is controlled or not really doesn’t impinge on its mechanism of action or dose required to elicit effects. So, in evaluation, controlled status doesn’t affect an evaluation of toxicologic consequences.
ForensicsColleges.com: Technological advances and breakthroughs in research are a constant in the forensic sciences. Are there any developments that you are particularly excited about at the moment, or changes you would like to see in the field of forensic toxicology?
Dr. Powers: There are two significant changes occurring in the field, in my opinion. Both reflect slow changes and are not “breakthroughs” per se.
The first would be the increasing utilization of sensitive mass-spectrometry instruments allowing the detection and quantitation of drugs at low levels that may not have been detectable in the past.
Second would be the increasing recognition that merely identifying and quantifying the presence of drugs is an inadequate basis for assessment of toxicity; rather, the toxicologist must also bring an understanding of the mechanistic ramifications of the presence of the drug to provide for a complete explanation of toxic effects or the lack thereof.
According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), subdisciplines of forensic toxicology are postmortem toxicology, human performance toxicology, and forensic drug toxicology.
In postmortem toxicology, forensic toxicologists team up with coroners, medical examiners, and pathologists to uncover the role of alcohol, drugs, and other substances in the cause of certain death. Forensic toxicologists analyze biological fluids, tissues, and in some cases, hair and bone to identify the presence of degrading substances in a deceased person. Their interpretations can contribute to the investigation of suicides, homicides, and overdoses by determining the cause of death.
Human performance toxicology is similar to postmortem toxicology, except the chemical analysis is performed on specimens typically collected from living people. Assessing the effects of alcohol, drugs, and other substances on an individual’s performance and behavior can apply to criminal investigations dealing with impaired driving, vehicular assault, child custody cases, and sexual assault. Interpretations of test results in human performance toxicology require an intricate understanding of the precise impact and timing of foreign substances in a human body.
Forensic drug toxicology also tests for the presence of certain substances in a living human body. This type of testing can be performed in various contexts, including doping control in athletics, probation and parole meetings, and compliance monitoring. Forensic drug toxicology also safeguards against drug use in the workplace, where non-compliance can harm safety and productivity.
Such testing can be essential in hazardous and sensitive industries like transportation, law enforcement, and the military. While the scope of forensic drug toxicology is more narrow than the other subdisciplines, the quantity of testing is greater, and many workplace testing laboratories use specialized configurations of their equipment to boost throughput.
In each subdiscipline, a forensic toxicologist generally follows a five-step system in analyzing a specimen:
Forensic toxicologists use state-of-the-art analytical techniques that are similar to those performed in research and hospital laboratories. This requires knowledge of analytical chemistry procedures and instrumental analysis. While most of their work occurs in a laboratory or private facility, forensic toxicologists may find themselves in the courtroom occasionally for testimony and out into the field for roadside testing and collection.
Despite the varied work locations, this can be a solitary profession. Forensic toxicologists can spend entire shifts studying a single substance in isolation. Persistence and mental acuity are critical skills for forensic toxicologists, whose work can distinguish between whether or not justice is served.
If you decide to pursue a career in forensic toxicology, you might not end up making as much as someone who plays one on TV, but you will have a better chance at steady employment and real-world impact. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (2024), jobs in the forensic science technician sector, including forensic toxicologists, are forecast to grow 13 percent in the decade preceding 2032, much faster than the U.S. average for all occupations (4 percent).
A forensic toxicologist’s salary varies based on experience, specialty, job title, and geography. Furthermore, precise figures may vary further due to disparate data sources and calculation methodologies.
A small survey of 132 forensic scientists performed by Indeed (2024) found an average salary figure of $61,334 per year. This survey included a wide range of forensic scientists and one forensic toxicologist. The average tenure for the surveyed forensic scientists was four to six years.
More specific self-reported data from PayScale (2024) found an average salary of $77,303 a year for forensic toxicologists, with the top ten percent earning close to $102,000 a year. In addition, about half of the 39 forensic toxicologists in Payscale’s data set had one to four years of professional experience.
The Bureau of Labor and Statistics does not track forensic toxicology precisely, but they provide robust data on forensic science technicians, which can encompass forensic toxicology. According to the BLS, the average salary for forensic science technicians was $64,940 per year, with the top 10 percent earning $107,490 or more per year (BLS May 2023)—the latest data available as of September 2024.
Of the various environments in which a forensic science technician can work, the most lucrative were laboratories within the Federal Executive branch, where technicians made an average of $120,790 per year—far outranking state and local government workers who made under $64,770 per year.
After graduating from high school, students typically need to acquire a bachelor’s degree. For their bachelor’s, aspiring forensic toxicologists usually major in a hard science such as chemistry or pharmacology or attend a forensic science program that dives into those hard science topics.
The University of Central Florida offers a bachelor’s in forensic science with a concentration in chemistry. The coursework includes heavy exposure to chemistry, laboratory science, pharmacology, and analysis.
Another undergraduate option is Arizona State University, which offers online bachelor’s degrees in biochemistry or biological sciences. While not directly focused on criminal justice and investigation, the intense scientific education in these degrees can provide a strong foundation for prospective forensic toxicologists. In any event, hands-on experience in university laboratories and internship programs is integral, boosting one’s professional resume and graduate school applications.
The University of North Dakota offers an on-campus bachelor of science in forensic science. Students in this 120-credit program can choose from four sub-plans, including chemical analysis, useful for forensic toxicology. Other specializations include forensic investigations, forensic wildlife biology, and forensic molecular biology. Three start dates are available throughout the year, and the program can be completed in four years.
On-the-job experience is one of the best educations available, and getting out of the classroom and into the professional world is the fastest way to accelerate a career. Work experience is beneficial for applying to graduate schools. It also builds a professional’s network and can inform their decision about whether to attend graduate school in the first place. The Society of Forensic Toxicologists maintains an up-to-date list of job postings across the country for all experience levels.
At this point, students might already be working as forensic toxicologists, but there is still room to advance. For those who majored in a hard science subject that was short on forensic education, or vice-versa, a graduate degree or certificate would be the time to fill the gap. In addition, graduate-level education in forensic toxicology can boost one’s specialized skill set, hiring potential, salary, and status in the field at large.
The University of Florida offers both a master’s degree and a graduate certificate in forensic toxicology that can be completed online. Those looking for an on-campus experience may be interested in the master’s degree in forensic toxicology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, covering pathophysiology, pharmacology, biopharmaceutical sciences, pharmacodynamics, expert witness testimony, and more.
Wayne State University offers a post-bachelor forensic investigation certificate. This 24-credit program provides courses in criminalistics, forensic investigation of firearms, ballistics and explosives, and fundamental forensic analysis. An internship at a medicolegal site is required to complete this program.
Michigan State University offers an online master of science program in pharmacology with a toxicology concentration. The toxicology concentration requires 31 credits in courses such as principles of drug-tissues interaction, academic & research integrity, and cellular and molecular toxicology. To be admitted to this program, applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college with a major in biological or chemical science. Applicants with a minimum of three credits in chemistry and three credits in biology may be accepted if an applicant has substantial professional experience in the field of biomedical science.
For a terminal degree, one may choose to pursue a doctorate in toxicology through a program such as the one at Colorado State University, which could lead to work in research, industry, government, or academia as a recognized expert in the field.
The University at Albany, a State University of New York (SUNY) institution, offers a PhD in chemistry. Students in this program are required to take courses, research, and teach. A minimum of 60 credits is required in physical organic chemistry and advanced physical chemistry and the theory and techniques of biophysics and biophysical chemistry.
Before being admitted to the program, applicants must be full-time students beyond their master’s degree or equivalent and enrolled in at least 12 credits for two semesters before beginning doctoral work. Research emphasis in this program includes forensic/analytical track, and students pursuing this research area are mentored by faculty and expected to engage in research related to forensic chemistry.
Forensic toxicologists do not need to be certified to practice, but certification can cement one’s status as an expert and lead to a higher salary and job opportunities.
The American Board of Forensic Toxicologists (ABFT) offers four such certifications:
To pursue the diplomate certifications, applicants need at least a bachelor’s degree in natural sciences, such as biology or chemistry, and at least three years of subsequent work experience. For the fellow certification, requirements include a doctorate-level degree, in addition to at least three years of subsequent work experience. In addition, applicants for every certification must submit three professional character references.
Finally, applicants who meet all requirements are eligible to take an examination, which leads to official certification. Study guides and recertification information are available on ABFT’s website.
Johannes Stitz
Johannes Stitz is a freelance writer and researcher based in the Southwest. He’s written about various topics in engineering careers. Before turning to freelance writing, he spent nearly a decade in the arts as a booker and event manager.
Matt Zbrog
Matt Zbrog is a writer and researcher from Southern California. Since 2018, he’s written extensively about the increasing digitization of investigations, the growing importance of forensic science, and emerging areas of investigative practice like open source intelligence (OSINT) and blockchain forensics. His writing and research are focused on learning from those who know the subject best, including leaders and subject matter specialists from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and the American Academy of Forensic Science (AAFS). As part of the Big Employers in Forensics series, Matt has conducted detailed interviews with forensic experts at the ATF, DEA, FBI, and NCIS.